Tuesday, 23 March 2010

International diner

On thuesday 16 of Match, we did an international diner!
Everybody had to prepare a tipical meal from his country, of course many countries prepared different meals, we worked in groups.

We had a delicious meal, there were so many different things.
It was one of my favourite moments in the international week because, everybody did his best, worked together. Everybody knows a tipical meal from his country, so everybody could participate and chear something he liked. It helps to communicate with the other erasmus student (for 1 week), but also it's so nice to eat something you like and know so well from you country when it has been already nearly 2 months that you have been in a foreign country.
It's so an important part of your culture and of course it's so nice to eat :)
It's a way to discover and respect the other cultures and everybody is intergated in this activity !

I think it's a great and simple way to meet other cultures, I hope I will use this as a teacher later on.

Video: something special about Denmark...

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

International week

Didactic and pedagogy
Imagine what make people different:
-daily routine
-the body langage

Imagine what people have in commun:
-a live (they are all going to die)
-have feelings
-need water and food
-have a future and a past...

You need to understand the history and the geography of a country to try to understand the people!

To teach pupils with different cultures you need to have: respect, tolerance and reflexion !

Thursday, 11 March 2010

Visit of a special needs school

Today we visited a mainstream school where there were 2 kinds of integrated children:
1.Pupils with physical disabilities (exemple: blind children or in a wheelchair)but without intellectual problems.

Those children are integarted in "normal" classes, but can get some extra help from a special teacher. There was a blind child in second grade (9 years) integrated in a class I visited, he had a special teacher who was there only for him, he also had his own computer with a special lamp (on the picture)thanks to that he could read.

2. Pupils with learning disabilties .
They have difficulties to learn in many different subjects, can't stay concentrated for a long time and they mostly have social gaps (difficulties to live with others).
Those children were in special classes, with fewer students. In those classes, students can be from different levels and ages, the teacher adapts his work for each student and work a lot on social skills, to make the pupils become well intergated citizens in the society.

3. There is also special classes for pupils who have problems in one specific subject, in this case the child is taken in a special class (a few times a week) where he is going to have intensive courses in the subject in wich he has more difficulties, that lasts several months(it depends of his evolution).

Special classes to relax
The school has 2 special classes where the pupils can relax if he has behaviours problems, he can be alone or talk with a person.

Special programmes
Each year they have 10 "special weeks" (spread all over the year) in those weeks,pupils do different stuff (for instance:a play).

The school building
The school is very big and has a large garden. The school is divided into " 3 little schools" according to the age of the children. The main facilities are in the center of the school and used by everybody (exemple: the gym, the kitchens...). It's nice because verybody knows everybody of his "little school". The pupils in special classes are in the same "little school" as the other pupils of their age.

I tought this school was very interesting and in advance compared to Belgium where it's difficult to integrate special needs children in mainstream schools.

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Trip to Copenhagen

In the holiday in February we went with all the erasmus students, Jette Laursen and her Brazilian exchange daughter to Copenhague for 3 days (17.02.09-19.02.09).

While we were visiting the city, each group of student presented a particular thing that they had prepared (building, important place, statue...). I tought it was a good idea, because it was mostly short, but the most important things were there, we did some research about something in Copenhagen we find interesting and it's nicer to listen to our friends explinations.

What did we do:
1.We went into the Rundetaarn: a tower without stairs.
2.We walked along Stroget (longest shopping street in Europe)and past the Cathedral of Copenhagen to the town hall square.
1.We saw the Royal Library (the Black Diamond) and we walked to the Little Mermaid.
2. We went to Amalienborg Castle (Queen Margrethe's castle)and visited the museum. At 12 o'clock I saw the change of the guards.
3.We visited Rosenborg Castle. and after we saw the jewels of the Royal Family.
4.Meeting at"RIZ RAZ ", a very nice mediterranean restaurant, where we ate all together!
1.We visited The National Museum and saw the History Museum about Denmark, the Childeren's Museum (it was very wel done:the childrens could play everywhere)and finally "Indians of the Rain Forest" exhibition.
2. Christiania

My feelings about this city:

The Belgian and Hungarian party

On Wednesday the 24 of March, the Belgians and the Hungarian organise the Erasmus party.
We are 11 students from Belgium and only one from Hungary.
We prepared a quiz about Belgium, the questions were about general knowledge about our country (food, geography, music...).
The students were divided into groups according to their country,and the winner was POLAND!

Then,we ate some chocolat and we drunk beer from Belgium.

Afterwards, Viki presented a Powerpoint about Hungary with a lot of pictures of important buildings, she explained us each of the buildings in a few words. I tought it was very interesting because I only know very little about this county, and I was unaware of the beauty of the patrimony!
After than, she showed us a few traditional Hungarian dances, we joined her and tried to do it all together.
It was a lot of fun !